
The Road To Rus'

The Road To Rus'

Vratymyr had been the Polian Kniaz' for several years now and had seen his tribe grow and flourish these last twenty years. His grandfather had lived quite a long life, but his father died at a young age and Vratymyr became the leader of his people at the young age of twenty-five. The neighboring Khazars to the southeast and the Varyag Rus to the north referred to their rulers as Khagans, but the Slavs preferred using the term Kniaz'. Bronislav, Vratymyr's grandfather, used to tell him stories of how their ancestor Kyi who was the son of a Khazar Khagan and a Slavic woman founded the city of Kyiv. That had been about three hundred years ago and the names of Kyi's parents had long been forgotten by time. Whether Grandfather's tales were true, Vratymyr did not know, but they made for a great story while hunting. Vratymyr smiled as he recalled his grandfather's raspy voice. He could hear him recounting the story of the mighty Kyi with his brothers Shchek and Khoryv. "They founded Kyiv, naming it in honor of Kyi and believed it would one day be the greatest city the world had ever seen. The hills of Shchekovytsia and Khorovytsia are the burial mounds of Kyi's brothers," Bronislav would say, pointing at them. "And Lybed', which still is a tributary of the mighty Dnipro, was named in honor of their sister of legendary beauty. Her hair flowed like the gentle waters on a calm summer's day, shimmering, as they reflected the light of the sun." Vratymyr missed his grandfather's stories but both Bronislav, as well as Vratymyr's father, Sviatoslav, were long gone, and the Polians were now his responsibility. He was determined to help his people survive and thrive. The image of his father and grandfather quickly faded as he heard a ruckus outside. Vratymyr jumped to his feet and rushed out to see several riders dismounting. "Kniaz'," one of his guards said. "The Siverian delegation has arrived." Vratymyr immediately recognized the massive Yaropolk with his long, flowing, rustycolored hair and beard. "I can see that. It's not possible to miss such a mountain of a man unless you are blind." Vratymyr smiled, glad to see his old friend. The Siverians were masters of the territories just east and northeast of the Polians, and Vratymyr had known Yaropolk for many years, coming to trust him as a friend and close confidant. They had gone on several expeditions together and had built a good relationship amongst first themselves and later their tribes. Later, Vratymyr married Yaro's sister, so they were family as well. Vratymyr knew that of all the people that were to be present, Yaropolk would be the easiest to convince to agree to his plan.

Read more: http://smile.amazon.com/Road-Rus-Kyivan/dp/0996796606/ref=tmm_pap_swatch_0?_encoding=UTF8&qid=&sr=